Author Archives: Elsa Widhura

The Australasian Aid Conference 2020

17-19 February at Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU

The Aid Conference, held in February of each year has become an integral part of the Australian and regional aid calendar. The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers from across Australia, the Pacific, Asia, and beyond who are working on aid and international development policy to share insights, promote collaboration, and help develop the research community.

PANEL 4B – Still broken. Global humanitarian reform and the Asia Pacific. Wednesday, 19 February 2020, 11.00am to 12.30pm, Weston Theatre

The global international humanitarian system is struggling to deliver the transformative change required to best meet the needs of the most vulnerable impacted by crises. This is despite best efforts to act on agreed changes through the Agenda for Humanity and Grand Bargain. This panel will discuss how to action transformative change in ways that are most relevant to the Asia-Pacific region, including a unique approach to country-led humanitarian reform. It brings together the latest thinking from the Australian Government, Indonesia-based Pujiono Centre, Australian Red Cross and Humanitarian Advisory Group.

Jo-Hannah Lavey, Executive, Humanitarian Advisory Group


  • Rachael Moore, Director, Protracted Crises Section, DFAT
  • Dr Puji Pujiono, Founder and Senior Adviser, Pujiono Centre
  • Louise McCosker, Humanitarian Diplomacy Lead, International Programs, Australian Red Cross



The Australasian Aid Conference 2020

Pelokalan pada Tanggapan Kemanusiaan di Sulawesi Tengah

Penerbitan ini adalah suatu himpunan dari beberapa ikhtisar yang disumbangkan oleh lembaga-lembaga yang melaksanakan pengkajian tentang praktik baik yang diperoleh dari pelokalan bantuan kemanusiaan di Sulawesi Tengah. Tulisan-tulisan ini sudah disampaikan pada berbagai lokakarya, antara lain: lokakarya OMS pelaku bantuan kemanusiaan pada tingkat akar rumput di Palu, lokakarya OMS nasional, pertemuan diantara lembaga pelaku pengkajian pelokalan, dan suatu diskusi meja bundar antar lembaga yang terlaksana dengan dukungan bersama oleh UN OCHA, CARE, Cordaid, ERCB, dan Pujiono Centre.


This publication is compilation of briefing papers prepared by agencies that conducted studies, of obtained good practices, on localization of aid in Central Sulawesi. The papers have been delivered in a series of workshops including a Central Sulawesi local CSOs’workshop, national CSOs workshop, meeting among agencies conducted localisation studies, an interagency roundtable, which have been organized with the joint support of UN OCHA, CARE, Cordaid, ERCB and Pujiono Centre.

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