Inventory of disaster and climate change risk assessment

Type:A�Training Course
Organizer:A�Pujiono Centre for Disaster and Climate Risk Reduction Studies, the (PC)
Date:A�06 Aug 2012
Location:A�Indonesia (Yogyakarta)

The Seminar mapped out the different risk assessment practices and programs at all disaster phases: in pre-disaster situation, during emergency response, in the post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction period as well as far after the recovery timeframe has been completed. Discussions in the seminar were focused on how communities take part in risk assessment processes, how this process interact with the macro risk assessments that are technology-heavy, and how they contribute to the disaster risk reduction planning and implementation after the assessments.

Agenda – Brief introduction on the Landscape of Risk Assessment by Dr. Puji Pujiono – District level Development of Flood Risk Map, Arif Rianto, ST, M.Si. of PSMB UPN Veteran – Village level Self Risk Assessment at Volcanic Eruption Setting, Puji Setiarso of Jangkar Kelud – Community-based Disaster Risk Assessment, Ruhui Eka S. of Lingkar Association – Household Economy Analysis, Puspasari Indra of Oxfam – Knowledge Contestation Against Risk Reduction: Memory and Cultural Approach in understanding peoplea��s resistance to Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Indonesia DRR Programme in Kluet, South Aceh, Dedy Kristanto and Saefudin Amsa (PUSDEP Sanata Dharma University) – Indigenous Risk Assessment leading to Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies of Sikep Samin Community to the Effects of Global Warming Adaptation to Paddy farming, Dr. Eko Teguh Paripurno of PSMB UPN Veteran – Climate Change Impact Studies and Programme of UNDP Indonesia, Anton Sri P. of UNDP – National Disaster Risk Assessment Program of the national DM Agency, Lilik Kurniawan of BNPB – Joint Needs Assessment (JNA): Assessing the risk in the first 48 Hours of Disaster Emergency, Puspasari Indra from Oxfam – Multi-Cluster Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA), by Titi Moektijasih from UN-OCHA – Damage and Loss Assessment (DALA), Magda Adriani of the World Bank – Human Recovery Needs Assessment, Rinto Andriono Pujiono Centre – Longitudinal Study of Post-Merapi Eruption Recovery Process, Juli Nugroho of Yogyakarta DRR Forum

Target audience

Participants were invited from community-based organization from hazard-prone areas, the government, international organizations, UN Agencies, national and local non-government organizations.

View concept note [PDF 412.00 kB]


Themes:A�Capacity Development, Climate Change, Community-based DRR, Risk Identification & Assessment, GIS & Mapping, Indigenous Knowledge
Hazards:A�Flood, Volcano
