Social Work and Disaster Management Experts Meet and Share Knowledge

YOGYAKARTA, PUCEN – The topic of social work and disaster management becomes interesting discussion material in the monthly discussion of Ervi Pujiono Learning House (EPLH), a knowledge management arm of the Pujiono Centre. Studies of Social Work Profession and Disaster Risk Reduction have been progressing separately so far, while, in actuality, the two practice areas are complementary. Social workers are performing formidable number of tasks and services, such as helping disaster survivors, refugees, food aid, psychosocial support, etc.

Pak Harry Hikmat, Kemsos memaparkan ttg kebijakan perlindungan dan jaminan sosial

Pak Harry Hikmat, Kemsos memaparkan ttg kebijakan perlindungan dan jaminan sosial

The profession of social work has been rendering disaster management services such as community social protection in disaster prone areas, provision of basic services to natural as well as human-induced disasters, as well as the psychosocial support. The discussion highlighted that in the areas of risk prevention and reduction as well as in post disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction, where broad aspects of human and social interrelations has the social work profession to be one of the backbones, now has the ample opportunity to be further developed. In conjunction with the direction of the Sendai Framework to improve disaster risk reduction, the development and implementation of the standard of competence in social work in disaster risk reduction becomes important.

EPLH held this discussion on June 2, 2017 at Joglo Ervi Pujiono located at Karanglo Hamlet, Donoharjo Village, Ngaglik, Sleman Municipality, Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), Indonesia. The event was attended by more than 50 participants including the Director General of the Social Protection and Security of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Chief of the Provincial Disaster Management Agency of Central Java, Disaster Risk Reduction Forums (FPRB) of the provinces of East Java, Central java, West Java as well as the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Social Welfare offices of Yogyakarta City and Sleman, Indonesian Association of Professional Social Workers, Center for Displacement and Disaster Management Studies, community disaster management associations of Pasag Merapi Volcano, and CSOs such as the YEU, Indonesian Psychosocial Network, and the Pujiono Center.

Puji Pujiono memaparkan konsep baru ttg pekerjaan sosial penanggulangan bencana secara komprehensif

Puji Pujiono memaparkan konsep baru ttg pekerjaan sosial penanggulangan bencana secara komprehensif

The monthly seminar featured the topic of “The Role of the Profession of Social Work in Disaster Risk Reduction: the scope, relevance, actors, and applications” with the following speakers:

  1. Dr. Ir. Harry Hikmat, Director General of Social Protection and Social Security, Ministry of Social Affairs: “Disaster Management and Social Security Policy”. (donwload, PDF, Bahasa Indonesia)
  2. Dr. Didiet Widowati, Chairperson of the Indonesian Association of Professional Social Workers (IPSPI): “Social Work Practices Standard for Disaster Management”. (donwload, PDF, Bahasa Indonesia)
  3. Dr. Milly Mildawati, Head of Center for Refugees Displacement and Disaster Management Studies, Bandung School of Social Welfare: “Education, Research and Practice of Social Work in Disaster Management”. (donwload, PDF, Bahasa Indonesia)
  4. Ms. Nurul Eka Hermawan, Deputy Secretary General, Indonesian Consortium of Social Workers (KPSI) and Convener of Social Work Practitioners with Disaster Management: “Psychosocial Support & Psychological First Aid (PFA)”. (donwload, PDF, Bahasa Indonesia)
  5. Mr. Sigit Alifianto, SE., MM., Head of Social Assistance and Disaster Survivors, Yogyakarta Provincial Social Service: “Experience of DIY Social Service in Disaster Management”.
  6. Dr. Puji Pujiono, MSW., Pujiono Centre: “Social Work with Disaster Risk Reduction: An overview”. (donwload, PDF, Bahasa Indonesia)
  7. The seminar was moderated by Ms. Ester Budhi, Chairperson of Indonesian Association of Professional Social Workers, Yogyakarta Chapter.
Para peserta diskusi dari unsur peksos dan penanggulangan bencana

Para peserta diskusi dari unsur peksos dan penanggulangan bencana

At the conclusion of the seminar, there was a plan to establish the Association of Social Workers in Disaster Management to be followed by the review of the standard of competence of social work in disaster risk reduction. A “white paper” will be developed to this end.

Ervi Pujiono Learning House (E-Pujiono), as the host of this seminar, is a division of the Pujiono Centre (PUCEN) that was launched on May 6, 2017, as a “Knowledge Management on Disaster Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation”. To achieve this, the EPLH provides the E-Pujiono Fellowship 2017 – 2018, publication of a series of books on disaster resilience and adaptation to climate change in Indonesia; and a series of seminars on the theme of disaster resilience and climate change adaptation.

This was the first seminar in the series, to be followed by the topic on “The launch and book’s discussion on the Local Level Disaster Management Institutional Arrangements: a Study on the Policy Implementation & Nationwide Directory of the Local Disaster Management Agencies”. — dp —

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